Digital Marketing Services
Digital Marketing can help your business reach a larger group of audience at lesser costs and ensure increase in conversions and revenue? Get ready for more sales!
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The fastest way to scale and improve customer reach is digital marketing. Our team of over 100 marketing analysts know this and have created a proprietary model to expedite implementation.
A concept note: Digital Marketing, by definition, is marketing of products and services using digital medium, primarily the internet. In the due course of time, after the advent of digital marketing as a concept in the 1990s, the first clickable banner going live in 1993, and the lunch of Yahoo in 1994, it has evolved into one of the fastest growing industries with a CAGR between 14% to 16% between 2020 to 2023 (as stated by Grand View Research, a market research giant, and one of our elite customers!)
Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing
Digital Marketing
- Comparatively more cost effective as less human resources are required
- Higher engagement rates
- Extremely Fast Conversions
- Dynamic promotions are possible
- ROI measurement is easier
- Able to reach out to larger audiences
- Possible to tweak campaigns midway based
- on initial findings
- Live client interactions are possible
Traditional Marketing
- Costs More due to the involvement of and dependence on human resources
- Lowe engagement rates
- Slower Conversions
- Promotion are largely static in nature
- ROI measurement is relatively difficult
- Outreach size is smaller and limited
- Midway Tweaks and improvements are not possible once the campaign is launched
- Generally, one-way communications happen
Explore PanGrow’s suite of offerings to help your business grow:
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
This is the process of getting free or organic traffic from search engine result pages (SERPs).
SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
This is the process of getting more paid search traffic from SERPs. Google Ads is one of the biggest mediums used for SEM.
SMM (Social Media Marketing)
The process of getting traffic by promoting your business over various social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc.
Affiliate Marketing
The process wherein people promote products that they do not own or manufacture but act under affiliation with the actual owner and manufacturer.
Content Marketing
It is the process of creation and distribution of content for specific groups of users to promote a business or product by highlighting its USPs and putting out more details in textual or graphical format.
Email Marketing
The process of approaching, engaging with new and existing customers respectively, and promoting a business via emails. It is one of the best and most rewarding kind of digital marketing process.
Marketing through Instant Messages
This is an evolved form of Content Marketing wherein very personalized messages and sent to perspective clients using instant messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat etc.
Want to know more about our digital marketing service?
Click on here to schedule a free meeting.
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