
Mailchimp: A Case Study on the Evolution of Marketing in a Decade

by | Nov 3, 2023

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7 min read

Mailchimp stands out as a widely recognized name that has delivered impressive results as an email marketing tool. The brand is one of the most popular platforms for email marketing that enables to create and manage marketing campaigns.

Whether you aim to craft customized marketing initiatives or construct a website for your business, Mailchimp offers an all-in-one solution. In this blog, we will learn more about the evolution of this brand and its marketing strategies and gimmicks.

Mailchimp: Growth to a Top Email Marketing Tool

Mailchimp was founded in 2001 by Ben Chestnut and Mark Armstrong, with Dan Kurzius who joined them later. It was founded at a time when email marketing was expensive and exclusive for the biggies of the market.

mailchimp email marketing tool

Mailchimp helped small businesses with high-end email marketing tools and technologies at reasonable prices. It has continued to grow, adapt, and evolve since then to help the small business owners. The founders, who started their journey as web designers, aimed to help their existing customers to send marketing emails. However, this remained as a side business and got attention only later in 2007.

After 2007, Mailchimp focused on email marketing for small business marketing environment. This strategy worked great with these businesses as they constituted a large part of the American economy. This niche helped Mailchimp to become what it is today.

Initially, the brand’s name was written as “MailChimp” with both the “M” and “C” in uppercase. However, it was subsequently altered to “Mailchimp,” with an uppercase “M” and a lowercase “c.” The brand logo incorporates the signature Cavendish Yellow of Mailchimp, complemented by accents of Peppercorn.

While there were varied responses to these modifications, Mailchimp has stayed true to its fundamental principles and cultivated a unified brand identity.

Marketing Strategies that Worked for Mailchimp

Earlier companies used mass communication as a means to connect with the audience. However, Mailchimp changed the game of email marketing for B2B businesses. Mailchimp simplified the process of establishing a high-return email marketing campaign tailored for any B2B enterprise. Let’s dive into the strategies Mailchimp employed:

Freemium Model: the First Marketing Win!

Transitioning from a paid service to a freemium model marked a pivotal marketing decision for MailChimp. Unlike many successful Silicon Valley startups, MailChimp initially charged its clients for services, maintaining this approach for nearly eight years.

However, in the latter part of 2009, the company introduced a freemium option, leading to an extraordinary surge in customers. Within just a year, their user base skyrocketed from 85,000 to a staggering 450,000. This strategic shift proved to be MailChimp’s first major marketing triumph.

Today, MailChimp boasts over 12 million users and dispatches a staggering one billion emails daily. Some experts even herald MailChimp as the premier email marketing tool service. Their service plans range from a free subscription for small businesses with up to 2000 email subscribers, a “growing business” plan at $10 per month, to a “pro marketer” plan at $199 per month.

This transformation showcases how a seemingly minor alteration can lead to a seismic shift, propelling a company from a modest startup to a dominant market force virtually overnight. Contrary to initial impressions, this shift was not merely a technical decision, but a strategic marketing move that spurred Chestnut to envision further growth and to recalibrate the company’s marketing approach.

Close Customer Engagement

One of MailChimp’s distinct advantages was its close connection with its customers. Amidst a saturated market filled with well-funded competitors, MailChimp’s strength lies in its intimate understanding of the needs and aspirations of small businesses. This proximity to its customer base gave MailChimp a crucial edge.

mailchimp email marketing

This enabled the company to offer more cost-effective solutions, rapid feature integration, and a higher degree of customization tailored to individual customer requirements. One of the recent personalized campaign is the turn clustomers into customers, which is focused on tackling common marketing challenges and growing their businesses.

High-End Content Marketing

In the realm of brand development and product marketing, content is an invaluable tool for both raising awareness and keeping customers engaged. MailChimp adeptly employs content marketing as a cornerstone of its strategy. Their blog serves as a dynamic repository of insights, tutorials, company updates, industry news, and other valuable resources tailored to small business marketers. This commitment to providing valuable content fosters a strong and enduring connection between MailChimp and its audience.

email marketing

The Mailchimp website hosts a crucial section, distinct from its blog, which provides valuable content aimed at educating both clients and occasional readers. This section primarily focuses on tutorials and other learning resources, offering insights into email marketing as a whole, as well as specific Mailchimp features and services.

Mailchimp has earned its reputation as an exceptional marketer through a combination of factors beyond their blog, including its excellent services and strong customer relationships. Their marketing prowess shines through in their brand advertising and promotional efforts, consistently outperforming competitors.

Impeccable Logo Design

Logo design is one of the notable strengths of Mailchimp. Featuring Frederick von Chimpenheimer, the company’s mascot, it offers a personable and memorable representation of the brand. This mascot, though evolved, embodies Mailchimp’s values, creativity, and approachability.

Mailchimp’s creative marketing extends to its merchandise. The Mailchimp swag campaigns, which distribute a diverse range of free products to clients, all share a common goal – to bring joy to people’s lives.

The Mispronunciation Gimmick

A remarkable campaign demonstrating Mailchimp’s marketing ingenuity was the mispronunciation campaign. Introduced in 2017 through audio ads in the popular podcast Serial, these 20-second ads cleverly engaged the audience by playfully referencing the company’s name without overtly promoting it. This campaign showcases the power of unconventional marketing strategies.

Additionally, Mailchimp’s recent campaign, “Email is dead,” employs a series of video ads to illustrate the benefits of their services, emphasizing the ability to use customer lists for targeted advertising through email.

Notably, Mailchimp fosters a culture of creativity among its employees. Mailchimp provides a platform for the talented individuals behind Mailchimp’s innovative campaigns to share their insights and explain the rationale behind their creative decisions.

Social Media Presence

When discovering Mailchimp on LinkedIn, the immediate impression is of a platform specializing in email marketing and automation. This clarity should be the aim of any B2B brand on social media platforms. Repurposing content, as Mailchimp does, is an effective way to broaden its reach without the need for entirely new material.

In terms of content creation, B2B brands can adopt a similar approach. CEOs and co-founders often share important company updates on their personal social media accounts. Reposting these on the company page ensures broader visibility, especially for customers who may not follow the individual accounts but engage with the company page for regular updates.

For instance, Mailchimp’s founder, Ben Chestnut, announced a partnership with QuickBooks in a post that was subsequently shared on the company’s LinkedIn page.

Key Takeaways

All in All, Mailchimp’s marketing strategy centers around creativity, customer focus, and out-of-the-box thinking. Their commitment to providing valuable resources and fostering a sense of community is evident through initiatives like the Chimpington Post and the creation of Freddie, their mascot.

This customer-centric approach, coupled with their continuous innovation and educational resources, sets Mailchimp apart as a trailblazer in the field of email marketing service and tool.

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